Tuesday 24 March 2015

Yum Pumpkin Soup

As part of our Inquiry topic Plant to Plate we made homemade Pumpkin Soup with Mrs Fowler today.

First a very large pumpkin was put in the microwave for 15 minutes to soften up so it could be cut easily.
Then chopped onions and garlic were added to olive oil in a pot to cook. Mrs Fowler taught us that this is called 'sweating off' the onions!
Cut potatoes were then added to the pot and cooked for about 5 minutes.
In another pot two beef stock cubes were added to hot water.
Once the pumpkin was cool enough to hold it was chopped up into pieces and put in with the onions, garlic and potatoes. The the hot stock water was then added and the soup was boiled until the pumpkin was soft.

Mrs Fowler gently took the soup off the stove the mixture was pureed with a hand blender.
Some students thought they didn't like Pumpkin Soup until they tried it and loved it!

Thanks Mrs Fowler for a fantastic day.

Monday 23 March 2015

Reading at home

Reading for 20+ minutes at home is set homework each day for students in Room 1. 

Below is a link to the National Library that gives some ideas on reading at home. 
It also describes the huge benefits of reading to children throughout their primary years to promote vocabulary understanding and deeper comprehension.

Reading at home - National Library

Planting Beans and Spinach

Before we planted our seeds we investigated a seed by cutting it open to see what we could find out. We found that a seed has a seed coat which is very hard as we had difficulty cutting open the seed. The seed coat helps protect the tiny embryo (plant) that is inside. We could see the tiny embryo which was a dark colour. Inside the seed was white and we found out that this is the food store which is used when the seed is planted and begins to grow.

We then made our own plastic bottle planter and planted a bean seed and some spinach seeds.

We learnt a new word germination, which means "to begin to grow." For germination to happen there needs to be three things: water, oxygen and the right temperature. We have watered our seeds, put them outside everyday in the sun and germination has taken place! Our bean plants and spinach plants are ready to be transferred into a larger area so they can grow bigger.